
QYR in News

Annual Meeting Summary of QYResearch Shijiazhuang Branch


Published: 2024-02-04


Page Views: 435

2023 is an unforgettable year. We gather together in the company, work hard here, grow here, and make progress here. In the blink of an eye, QYR has gone through 15 years, and our Hebei branch is about to celebrate its seventh birthday. At the turn of 2023 and 2024, let us be kind to the time and ourselves, and hope that every day of our lives will not be wasted.

The gathering on February 1, 2024 is not the end, but a new beginning full of hope; it is not a stop, but a more magnificent journey!
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Let us pick up the wine glasses of 2023 and fill them with wine for 2024! Forget shortcomings and setbacks, abandon unhappiness and regret, imagine a better future together, and feel the beauty of the years. We hope every QYR partner can welcome our 2024 with joy and hope. The road is long and mighty, and everything can be expected. 2024 will definitely belong to everyone who works tirelessly!


The pursuit of excellence is our slogan. Looking to the future, we will continue to innovate and develop to achieve more brilliant achievements; looking into the distance, we will maintain keen market insight to achieve greater success; looking forward to tomorrow, we will continue to explore with credibility and quality as the core new opportunities to provide better services and products.


Accumulate energy and start a new journey. 2024, we are on the road.

A comprehensive and in-depth analysis of current industry data on markets, competitors and suppliers.

In-depth research on key industry players and analysis of production and sales operations.

Objective forecasts of future trends in the industry.



Key players, new entrants,acquisitions, mergers and expansions,development trends and challenges.

Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

Rawmaterial, application, product type, demand,supply,downstream, supply chain etc.

Market Size

Market Size

Capacity, production, sales, revenue, price, cost etc.

Customized Information

Customized Information

We can offer customized survey and information to meet ourclient's need.