
QYR in News

QYResearch Conveys Gratitude to Every Mom

The wind in May gently blows across the earth, awakening all sleeping things. In this season full of life, we welcome Mother's Day, which is a festival full of love and gratitude. Here, we wish all the mothers in the world: Happy Mother's Day!
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In order to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation and create a good atmosphere of gratitude and care for mothers, on the occasion of Mother's Day, QYR specially launched a special Mother's Day event and sent holiday gifts and blessings to the every superhuman "moms" in the company. Let them feel the warmth and care of the festival.
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Moved by love, act for love. Through this activity, we further promoted the social trend of gratitude to mothers, conveyed love and warmth, and created a good atmosphere within the company, allowing every "mom" to feel the warmth and blessings of the festival. In the next step, QYR will continue to explore and innovate new ways to provide more care and support to female employees. Finally, we sincerely wish all mothers in the world happy everyday!

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